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Getting Products onto the App

Checklist of requirements

  • Base web data set
  • Colours set
  • Parent Subcategory/Promotion/Brand ticked for the app
  • Appropriate navigation in place
  • Product Site tick

Base Web Data

We require the usual base data (Primary Category, Title, Description, Images etc) as you would do normally for the Yours Site. The main addition here is an additional importance on colours.


For the POQ product associations to work, they use primary and secondary colour in order to link. Just having a primary colour set is fine if there are no associated products, however if there are associations, they need there to be no duplicates.

For example, if you have a black dress associated to two blue dresses, the secondary colour on those blue dresses must not match each other. This is because their app doesnt know which product to link to if there are more than one the same.

Parent Grouping

Depending on how you want the product to be found (by brand, promotion or category), you need to ensure that the the promotion/brand/category are ticked to be allowed onto the App. We have an API which gives a list of all allowed brands/promotions/categories based on those site ticks to POQ so that they can populate their CMS. You can easily see what is available via the dropdown lists on the App Navigation page.

See the App Navigation entry for more details on how to use this. Please note that there are different navigations per App and the above ticking step determines what brands/promotions/categories are available here.

Product Site

We filter product results based on their assigned sites so that specific products can be allowed/restricted for the Apps. For the APIs to allow the product to be returned, it needs to have the YC App/M&Co App site ticked, respective to which one(s) you want the product to be purchasable on.

A final note on search - the Apps will inherit the algolia search setup from their parent sites, so Yours for the YC app and M&Co for the MC app.

This was decided at the time in order to reduce the work (and cost) to setup and maintain the records however please note that if a product has been ticked for the parent site, but not the app, you may see it in the search but are not able to access it on the app.