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Site Quick Links


The Site Quick Links is located under the Content category in Admin. See screenshot below.

Site Quick Links Tab on Admin

Alternatively, it can be accessed via this link.

If you are unable to access the Site Quick Links, please make a request to the IT team (or Remarkable if required) to update your permissions.

You are able to search through all Site Quick Links. You can also narrow down the results using the filter.

Site Quick Link Filter

When you are ready to search, click the Search button, which will search through the quick links with the applied filters. This normally takes up to 10 seconds depending on how many filters are applied.

When the results are returned, they will be shown in the table.

Site Quick Link Table


When searching for Site Quick Links, it performs a search on both Site Quick Links and Site Quick Link Images. You will not need to perform a search twice.

  1. To create a new Site Quick Link, click the Create New button below the table. Create new button below table

  2. Enter the details of the new Site Quick Link. Details for new Site Quick Link

  3. Once completed, click the Submit button. This will validate the details you have entered, which if successful, it will save and redirect you back to the main page. If there is an error, it will display a message. Details added but error shown


It may take a few minutes for your new entry to appear. If there are any issues, please contact Remarkable here.

There are two ways of editing a Site Quick Link.

Quick Edit

You can quickly edit the rank of a Site Quick Link. If you need to edit more than that, then please look below at the Edit section.

  1. Click the Quick Edit button on the row you want to update. Quick Edit button on table record

  2. A popup will appear. You can view the title and you also update the rank. Quick edit popup with details

  3. Once completed, click Save to update the record.


It may take a few minutes for the entry to update. If there are any issues, please contact Remarkable here.


You can edit a Site Quick Link, although if you are only updating the rank, you can also use the Quick Edit section.

  1. To edit an existing Site Quick Link, click the Edit button on the record you want to update. Edit button on table record

  2. The details of the Site Quick Link will appear. You can make the adjustments to it here. Edit Site Quick Link Details

  3. Once the adjustments have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes. If it is successful, you will be brought back to the main page. Otherwise, a message will appear with the errors. Edit Site Quick Link Details with errors


It may take a few minutes for the entry to update. If there are any issues, please contact Remarkable here.

  1. To delete a Site Quick Link, click the Delete button on the record you want to update. Delete button on table record.

  2. You will then get a popup asking for confirmation that you want to delete the record. Confirmation popup

  3. If confirmed, the Site Quick Link will be deleted.


It may take a few minutes for your entry to be deleted. If there are any issues, please contact Remarkable here.