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Associated Product Types


This documentation will guide you through adding an associated product. This feature allows you to add associated products to a product that can then be displayed and linked on the product detail page (PDP). To try to make things clearer the original product that you are adding the associated product to will be named as product A and the associated product that is being added will be named as product B. This document comes after both Pack Size and Fit Style were added to the associated types as this will display differently on the BadRhino (BR) site.

The pack quantity will display as follows:

The fit style will display as follows:


Pack Quantity and Pack Size are used in admin and in this document, the two are the same.

Before Adding An Associated Product

Before you add an associated product for pack size or fit style, you will need to check that the attributes are set up appropriately. To view this, you need to head to the Attributes Section and scroll down to the Pack Quantity and Fit Style sections.

As shown above, product A should have an appropriate Fit Style and/or Pack Size before adding product B to it.

For example, if product A is a Regular Fit top and Product B is an Oversized Fit top, make sure that product A has Regular Fit already assigned in the Attributes section before adding product B. Same goes for the Pack Size.

How To Add An Associated Product

To add an associated product you need to head to the Categories section under the product that you want to add an associated product to.

On this page, you will see a section titled Product Groups

From the dropdown select the appropriate associated type i.e. how you want product B to be linked to product A. Enter product B's product code and set a rank.

Ensuring Correct Associated Products Are Added


Please check this bit as it is important.

When adding associated products for Fit Style and Pack Quantity, make sure that the association is correct.

For example, any associated products that are added with Fit Style should only be the exact same colour, brand but the only difference being the fit option (Oversized, Regular, Long, etc). For Pack Quantity, it should be the same product but with different pack sizes only.