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Product Country Exclusions

Products / Manage / Edit

Product Country Exclusions is used to control in which countries should a product be available.

Excluding a Product From a Country

In admin, navigate to Product -> Country Exclusions. Here, you can tick the countries where the selected product should not be available.


This should then make the product unavailable for purchase in the ticked countries. The customers will be able to see the product on the website, but a message will be shown informing them that they cannot purchase it.


If you want to make online gift cards unavailable for purchase in Portugal, you must tick Portugal in Admin.



There will be a small delay for data to sync and caches to clear before the changes are visible.

Then, on LTS Portugal, searching for the online gift card will still return results:


However, if we navigate to the product page, the following message will be shown: This product is not available in the selected country.
