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View Order

Admin / Orders / View Order

The View Order page can be accessed from a variety of places, including Manage Orders and Track Order.

The page is split into the following tabs:

  • Order Summary
  • History
  • Status
  • Notes
  • Source


Order Summary

Order Summary contains the main information about an Order, including the Item(s) purchased and the Customer's details.

Order Summary


Details includes links to the Web Invoice, Commercial Invoice and to Add Refund. The following data is displayed:

  • Order ID/Reference etc.
  • Order Lines (Items)
  • Vouchers, Gift Cards etc.
  • Totals
  • Delivery
  • Member Details
  • Referrer

The following actions are also available in this section:

  • Part Dispatch
  • Add Voucher
  • Edit Order
  • Edit Delivery Option
  • Edit Delivery Address
  • Edit Billing Address

Approval Report

The Approval Report shows the various rules checked and whether the Order passed/failed.


Payments shows all of the payments associated to an Order, with buttons to Refund Payment and View.


Tracking shows the Courier tracking information applicable to the Delivery chosen.


All actions performed against an Order are shown on the History tab:


This includes a link to view any previous orders and displays the User who performed the action. Auto refers to the system itself


The Order Status is displayed alongside Status on the tabs. The Status tab lets you change the current Status if required:


Only users with permission to amend the status can do so.

Send Email specifies whether to override the sending of the email, if applicable. Some statuses include an email that is sent to the Customer - untick this option to suppress sending the email.

Adjust Stock specifies whether to override adjusting the stock, if applicable. Untick this to suppress adjusting the stock, when the status is changed.


The Notes tab contains a variety of actions:



The following Actions are available:

  • Resend Order - resend an order if the customer didn't receive the original item(s)

  • Commercial Invoice PDF - generate a PDF of the Commercial Invoice

  • Restore Basket - loads the Customer's basket into the website

  • View Account UK - link to My Account on the UK site

  • View Account US - link to My Account on the US site

  • Remove All Vouchers - removes all Vouchers from the Order

  • Web Invoice - displays the Web Invoice, for printing

  • Make Next Day - changes the Order to Next Day Delivery

  • Make Express - changes the Order to Express Delivery

  • Make Standard - changes the Order to Standard Delivery

  • Make Phone Order - changes the Order to a Phone Order

  • Release Random Locations - TBC

  • Resend Payment Email - resends the email for payment to the Customer

  • Show Messages - Shows all Messages related to the Customer/Order

  • Reply - Replies to the Customer's Messages

Notes, Shipping Data & Security Level

You can view and update the Notes, Shipping Data and Security Level of an Order. Once updated, click on Save Notes and Security to save your changes.

Add Customer Service Record

Add Customer Service Record shows the modal window, allowing you to add a new record against the Order.

Issue Gift Card

Use Issue Gift Card to issue a new Gift Card for the Customer. This is used when sending out a new Gift Card that was purchased as part of the Order. It also allows you to send out a refund in the form of a Gift Card.


The Source tab shows all of the additional data captured against an Order:
