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Track Order

Admin / Orders / Track Order

Track Order is used to search for an Order using a known piece of information, such as the Order Reference, or Customer's name.

Search any

Search any allows you to search for an order quickly, using any of the fields. The system intelligently determines what you have entered and matches it to one of the fields:

Search any

Start typing in the Search any box and you'll see your criteria copied into the matching field:

Search any criteria

Search fields

You can search for an order within the Admin, using any of the following fields:

Search fields

  • Reference - order Reference, e.g. YC123456
  • OrderID
  • Despatch Reference
  • Name - customer's name
  • Postcode - customer's billing or delivery postcode
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • eBay Order/Item ID
  • Amazon Order ID
  • Marketplace Order ID - _other marketplaces, e.g. Debenhams
  • Pay with Amazon ID
  • PayPal Transaction ID
  • Adyen Reference
  • Voucher Code

Once you've entered your search criteria either using Search any or one of the fields directly, click on Find Orders and you'll be presented with any matching order(s).