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Resend Order

Admin / Orders / View Order

Resend Order is used when a Customer hasn't received their original Parcel (lost) or it has arrived damaged. At the same time as creating a Resend, you can also file a Claim with the courier, if required. You can also issue a Refund if the Customer would prefer.


A link to Resend Order is on the View Order page, under the Notes tab. If you click on this, you are presented with the Resend/Claim/Refund Order modal:


This displays all of the item(s) within the original Order, allowing you to specify which item(s) to Resend:

  • enter the Number To Resend quantity
  • tick Resend? if you wish to create a new Order to send to the Customer
  • tick Claim? if you need to file a claim with the Courier

Once you have specified the above for all item(s), click Save to confirm.

If you need to Refund the Payment instead, click on the Refund Payment button.


If there isn't enough Stock to generate the Resend, then you are presented with the above error message. In this scenario, you would need to Refund Payment and inform the Customer.


If there is enough Stock, then you are presented with the above success message. View Order links to the new Resend Order that has been created.